June, 2010
Tata Motors to introduce Air Car – Is it the next big thing?
Tata Motors is taking giant strides and making history for itself. First the Landrover-Jaguar deal, then the world’s cheapest car and now it is also set to introduce the car that runs on air, compressed air.
With spiralling fuel prices it is about time we heard some breakthrough!
India’s largest automaker Tata Motors is set to start producing the world’s first commercial air-powered vehicle.
The Air Car, developed by ex-Formula One engineer Guy Nègre for Luxembourg-based MDI, uses compressed air, as opposed to the gas-and-oxygen explosions of internal-combustion models, to push its engine’s pistons. Some 6000 zero-emissions Air Cars are scheduled to hit Indian streets by August 2010.
The Air Car, called the MiniCAT could cost around Rs. 3,50,000 ($ 8177) in India and would have a range of around 300 km between refuels.
The cost of a refill would be … Read More »
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The nose has a left and a right side; we use both to inhale and exhale.
Actually they are different; you would be able to feel the difference.
The right side represents the sun, left side represents the moon.
During a headache, try to close your right nose and use your left nose to breathe.
In about 5 mins, your headache will be gone? If you feel tired, just reverse, close your left nose and breathe through your right nose. After a while, you will feel your mind is refreshed.
Right side belongs to ‘hot’, so it gets heated up easily, left side belongs to ‘cold’.
Most females breathe with their left noses, so they get “cooled off” faster.Most of the guys breathe with their right noses, they get worked up.
Do you notice the moment we wake up, which side breathes faster? Left or right?
If left is faster, you will feel tired. So, close your left nose and use your right nose for breathing, you will get refreshed quickly.
This can be taught to kids, but it is more effective when practiced by adults.
My friend used to have bad headaches and was always visiting the doctor. … Read More »