Light is not always great! Dark is not always bad! When light or darkness, placed at the right place/areas, then it becomes magically blissful or blissfully magical!
I’m back with my own domain where I can post my blogs, updates regarding my activities, etc.,
This website is going to be updated every now-n-then, with lots of activities.
Keep watching/visiting!
Thank you!
When I took freelancing 12 years back (yes, 2013), which was then looked odd amongst the regular day job or office goers. It was even felt that I am not that IT guy who can manage myself in the office environment and something is there which doesnt suite to work in an office. Even, I have been booed that I will be a big failure as several of my friends failed doing freelance. Well, I took it up as a challenge as it gives me immense pleasure to learn along the way working with live projects, dealing with strategies, dealing with clients, handling issues, implementing the logics, delivering the codes, testing and implementing the product into the client’s environment. When, I learnt about SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle) in my computer classes, I wanted to someday handle and experience it first hand. Well here I am, now I have worked in each of the process, understood, learnt (not the easy way) the process.
SDLC Process: I have got the requirements from the clients, Analyzed, Designed, Coded/Implementation, Tested, and Deployed.
I have given some hope to all my ex-peers, friends, etc., inspite am a family man, freelance could well be possible … Read More »
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]I thought about writing about Food in general covering various aspects of Food, but then the content was way too long, so decided to cover on specifics of Food.
Veg and/or Non-Veg
Recently, I have been hearing this war of words and even reached to the level of expressing as fashion these days. That’s why, I have started with this topic as the first related to Food.
Ok, Why Veg? Why Non-Veg? Whats there in Veg? Whats there in Non-Veg? Obviously, most of us know whats there, so we will come to “Why?” and “Why Not?”.
Again, recently I have been seeing/hearing quite a lot of conversions happening between the two amongst the people. When some handful of people are converting from Non-Veg to Veg, on the other hand huge no. of people are converting from Veg to Non-Veg, whether its for taste or for medication.
Well, let me clarify you guys one thing about this article and my goal. I am not here to preach go for Veg or go for Non-Veg. Neither, I am going to touch anything related to benefits and non-benefits of it. The idea here is to just clarify on specific points for you to … Read More »
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Many would have thought (the title of this message), this should happen. Yes, it might happen for some, and might not happen for some. But the TRUTH is, it should definitely happen at some point of time. The only thing is, one’s (deserve) good deed should be the only way it can be experienced.
So far, in my life, I have experienced many such incidents, where I have seen people experience whatever they did for others. I have seen way too many such incidents, but a few which I was eager to see, never happened. May be, I am not that deserving enough to witness it.
Saying that, I have experienced many, I dont claim that I am that Good enough. Am just trying my best, but I myself know that I have done which I should have never done, while some might have never known. So, whatever I am now, could be a feast to someone else who shall be witnessing for what I have done to them.
FORGET and REMEMBER, the most cruel/curse at the same time the most pleasant/boon God/Almighty has given us.
If one FORGETS what needs to be REMEMBERED, and if one REMEMBERS what needs … Read More »
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Chennai is hot, hotter and hottest. Yet, its Chennai na gethu da (anirudh style). Similarly, Tirumala (Tirupati) is crowd, crowd and simply freaking large crowd, yet there is always peace, vibrant and harmony in abundance. Just one needs to be at the right spot and at the right time.
Some may call its crazy that people gather like that in the temples and especially the Tirumala (Tirupati). Well, it might be, but there is always something which most people cant explain why they even want to visit yet simply visit.
Inspite of so much crowd gathered to visit the sanctum sanctorum, they never worried about the pulls-n-pushes, all they need is to visit their favourite God’s idol in the garbha graham. Garbha graham also means mother’s womb. Its not that easy to go inside or come out of the womb, and thats the feeling and experience one should get when visiting the sanctum sanctorum, and thats precisely why its happening like that (got to know this from my Guru).
The usual ritual of ground around the temple, came to cease as I found an old mandapam in a cruelly left stage, which was so far used for a seva all … Read More »
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Dont know whether if anyone had this covered up before.
Recollecting the old saying, “As you sow so shall you reap”. Even though this is usually referred to the good deeds that one does. It can be applied to anything and everything. BUT this is not the case for many, like the Farmers who are the reason for our FOOD, mostly (most of them) doesnt have a FULL 3 MEAL A DAY, Cloth Weavers doesnt have proper Clothes to wear (frankly speaking its “cover” rather “wear”), Building Construction workers doesnt have proper Shelter for themselves, etc., etc., the list just goes on and on.
But today for the first time encountered someone who has been delivering all kinds of news around the area, city, district, state, country and world right to your houses, doesnt get covered up in the news at all (or rather I would say, I havent seen any to my knowledge).
My experience with them personally happened today, which started off in a different way. I was expecting my baby to get delivered and to open its eyes to see the world (rather its the world to see my baby emerging out strong).
This is one of … Read More »
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Talking with your most best friend is the most wonderful feeling you can ever get.
Talking with that guy in the loudest of the voices you can ever speak but the atmosphere is such that you can even hear the pin-drops.
Getting used to the morning walks around the empty roads and beaches. City is not that bad as its seen, one can still get to see calmness and emptiness. Just will have search and find it.
Could hear, see and feel just about everything, mad rushness of the milkman delivering to the houses, tea stall masters silently prepares the morning servings, could even smell the masalas of food preparation in the houses tempting to eat even when not hungry. Everything happens while for many its still far from dawn.
Even that little bit of morning walks and stretches getting cramps all over my body, goes to show what a 15 yr gap of physical activity can do to you. Always felt am strong, since have hardly been sick, but now can see how much stronger am in, which keeps raising the question, CAN I???
Just by accompanying my champs is what I have to do? or is there more? … Read More »
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Resumed my regular monthly ritual after about 4 months break.
Wow!! what a pleasant feeling!!!! felt like visiting home again and didnt want to return back. Prayed that I have few more works to complete. But on second thought, does that few more extra time/days/years would be enough for one to say that “am done”.
How many have really said with satisfaction that I have done all I need to do in the present life that was provided, and am ready to go back home???
Why is that we always wait for the owner to kick us out of our rental mortal body??? Cant we be cheerfully ready to leave once the notice itself comes??? we get into the habit of extending/postponing till the last min, and hence suffering all over the place and to everyone.
Most of the suffering happens for others is for these question “what am going to do?”, “how am I going to proceed?”. Well, the creator of the problem is ourselves. We try hard to do things for our satisfaction, our wish, to make it easy for others to live, etc., but we never thought of educating our dependents to withstand on their own legs … Read More »